Medical methods become a widely debate issue as to whether they should be provided patent protection. From the study it is found that the patent laws in most countries including Thailand have still relied upon the traditional concept from Agreement on Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights, which absolutely exempts medical methods from patent protection, including diagnostic methods, therapeutic methods and surgical methods. The primary reason for this exemption is because it is perceived that the medical methods do not have the patentable component of industrial applicability and the exemptions based on socio-ethical reasons. However, other group of countries has the different perspective that patent protection on medical methods will encourage an investment for research and developing in inventing new medical methods, for benefit of the society as the whole. Moreover, in the late 2013, the High Court of Australia decided that medical methods are patentable. In addition, from the study it is also found that the courts in the United States of America have accepted the patent protection on the medical methods as well. Therefore, the medical methods may have come to the turning point on the concept of patent protection.