The objective of this research was to study the degree of the perceptions of job security, the relationships of individual, organizational and contextual factors about the perceptions of job security and methods for strengthening the perceptions of job security of employees in the electronics industry. The sample for this study was 1,680 employees who worked in the electronics industry in Bangkok by using simple random sampling. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. The statistical analysis were descriptive and multiple regression analysis. The research revealed that the employees in electronics industry had uncertainly about their perceptions of job security. The factors which related to the perceptions of job security of the 11 independent variables included in the model showed that only 6 independent variables had statistically significant positive relationship with perceptions of job security. The following variables, arranged in order of importance, were perception of organizational status and potential, perception of socio-economic conditions, perception of clear information, perception of technological advance, self esteem and work values. These 6 independent variables could account for only 48.50% of the variance. Methods for strengthening the perceptions of job security of employees in the electronics industry were: saved money, tried to get a new job that is more secure, paid full and honest attention to their duty, were punctual and avoided being absent, looked for a sideline, took outside training to get more skills and studied to gain more knowledge.The recommendations of this research were that the organization plans should be frequently revised, and economic and social situation assessment should be needed. Moreover, clear and accurate information should be continuously provided for employees. Employees skill development should also be promoted. Besides theses, all aspects concerning work values should also be embedded, so as to strengthen the perceptions of job