This Article intends to focus on new trend of mechanism in dealing with corporate criminal liability or white collar crime by using deferred prosecution agreement (hereinafter DPA). After this trend sporadic throughout the world, the legal enforce agency believe that this DPA will create an efficiency monitoring mechanism to solve a complexity of white collar crime which is substantially increase nowadays. Furthermore, DPA has long been believed in efficacy in order to avoid unintended collateral damage as happen with Arthur Anderson during economic crisis. In the United States, The static shows that Department of Justice entered a DPA with a American corporation more than 257 agreement until now with total value of agreement is more than 37 million dollars since 2001. The United Kingdom Parliament also cope with this trend by introduce newly the Crime and Court Act 2013 last year in order to deal with corporate crime. Thailand parliament is on progress of introduce this mechanism by introducing of “other measure for substitute” Criminal prosecution Bill. By using the United States and the United Kingdom experienced, this Article will contribute to research on historical route of corporate criminal liability and deferred prosecution agreement in these predecessor country and Thailand itself for better understanding. Further, this Article will identify a current problem that possible arise during using of under newly proposedwhile Bill by comparison with the United States and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, the Article will give a suggested solution according to United Kingdom and the United States experienced in order to solve problem.