Due to customer is most important to marketing, database and customer list is sufficient and update as important for direct marketing. Because of business is unable to communication or understand to customer group that anticipated if without data and customer lists. Now trading data in credit card circle rather spreading and used as base of distribute data into any businesses depend on many customer lists, such as insurance business, hotel business. That action regarding as infringe person rights of customer clearly because customer data must be keep as secret, not seeking for profit. Problem as mentioned is obtrusive to customer but trading customer database is still as easy action, even if internet is free searchable data that not preventive by any unit and resolve problem as mentioned. This caused researcher is study to problem of law for trading database of customer in commerce, case study proposed Act of personal data, year… To study law problem and method of resolve as method for improvement law to other unit as involved. From hypothesis of marketing, main factor that result to successful of business is persuade customer, then if finding potential customer and focus to business target as important and more successful than persuade customer that not target. From this cause customer database such as education, occupation and income is important to marketing principle and occur trading customer database for commerce benefit. However, action as mentioned regarding as directly infringe personal rights of customer as infringe to law, then should be law or unit is perform to prevention rights of customer as mentioned. From study law problem for trading customer database in commerce, case study of proposed Act of personal data, year…. Consist of problem of infringe personal rights derivedfrom persuadeviatelephonefor insurancecontract,problem of prevention personal data, problem of complete of trading customer data contract in marketing and problem of prevention personal data. To found that Thailand not law for prevention specific personal data but scattering in part of that only law, then state should be enact law for prevention rights of personal in personal dataaccordance withprincipleunder ConstitutionofThai Kingdom for mostbenefits.