After the chief armies, coup d’tat, completely became the government, the leader of the coup adopted special power to issue an order or proclamation to enforce the people. These orders are approved by the decisions of the Supreme Court that the coup is sovereignty and such orders are law. The orders and proclamations, violating the absolute rights or relative rights, are not revised by the Court, but the Court can adopt the concept of Habeas Corpus in Common law to protect such rights through article 90 of the criminal procedural code. They are similar to provide power to the court to consider the government commitment by granting the Habeas writ and take the detainee to the court for investigating
the reason to detain or imprison the people. If the detention or imprisonment is not reasonable, the court may order to release the detainer or prisoner. The contempt of court will be punished when the authorities refuse or neglect to perform such order. Furthermore, the court also adopts the Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearance Act 2022 to punish the coupby charging torture, forced disappearance, degrading and inhumanity according to provisions of the Act, if the coup committed such crimes. The court
can adopt the Act on Legislative Drafting and Evaluation of 2019 to rule that the amnesty law is invalid, and can punish the coup. The President of the Supreme Court shall issue the suggestion of the President to encourage the Court to adopt the Act for investigating the case to protect human rights.