Copyright law has provided the protection of exclusive rights for
copyright owners, the private rights, and these rights may be limited or
exempted by the reason of public interest. Copyright Act 1994 (B.E. 2537)
has also provided the exceptions to the exclusive rights such as exception
to copyright infringement, the use of copyright in special occasions or the
use of copyright for performing duties of State. However, Copyright Act 1994
(B.E. 2537) has not yet provided the compulsory license or government use,
the provision of which empowers the government to perform those exclusive
rights of copyright owner in copyright works without the permission of the
copyright owners, for the reason of public interest, whereas the Australian
copyright law has implemented such provision. Moreover, provision on the
compulsory license by government may also be a mechanism in resolving
the problem on sport broadcasting that happened in Thailand recently.
Finally, in developing this provision, Australian copyright law will be considered.