This article studies the relationship between parental criminal liability and sustainable solutions for juvenile delinquency. The pivotal role of parental inf luence is to shape a child’s behavior. Related legal frameworks governing parental responsibility in cases of juvenile delinquency and existing punitive measures would be studied. This research aims to contribute to the development of comprehensive strategies that foster socia responsibility, mitigate recidivism, and cultivate a nurturing environment conducive to the well-being and rehabilitation
of at-risk child and youth. The authors found that the public sector has a very important role. For example the court should play a crucial role in assisting and fostering understanding and reconciliation between parents and child before severe criminal offenses occur. Most importantly, State should involve in designing and implementing educational programs that impart relevant knowledge and skills to children and youth. These skills include coflnf lict resolution, negotiation, empathy, problem-solving, emotional management, leadership development, and nonviolent communication. Additionally, teaching parenting skills to parents and caregivers is important.