On 19 February 2020, the Constitutional Court of Thailand handed down Decision no. 4/2563 and ruled that the former Section 301 of the Criminal Code of Thailand, which stipulates that an act of a woman causing herself to be aborted or allowing another person to procure an abortion for herself constitutes a crime, is in violation with Section 28 of the Constitution of Thailand. Consequently, the Cabinet passed a resolution to amend relevant laws. The Amendment of the Criminal Code Act (No. 28) B.E. 2564, amending Sections 301 and 305 of the Criminal Code came into force on 7 February 2021. This article explores the spirit, principles and rational behind the amendment of the Criminal Code. It also studies the history of abortion crime in Thai criminal law, social problems relating to pregnancy and abortion, concept of right to safe abortion in international laws, the complaint filed to the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Courtûs decision, the discussion on the amendment at the Council of State and in the Parliament. Lastly, it discusses the application and implication of the amendment in the Thai context.