The Roe v. Wade overruling marks an important turning point of the United States Constitutional rights. The case addresses the misinterpretation of the Due Process of Law in the 14th Amendment Constitution, the extraconstitutional role the Court performed in trying the past abortion cases and distorted the principles of stare decisis. The Courtû judgment on Roe v. Wade leads to the unreliable standard judgment and affects the latter abortion cases. The Courtûs extraconstitutional role short-circuited the democracy doctrine and deprived women in the country of the right to choose. Purportedly, this overruling is the responsibility of the Court to rectify and reinstate the power to its people. In the opinion of the Court, it discussed several legal and medical terms related to abortion and abortion rights, which have been debated for decades such as; viability, undue burden and stare decisis. These terms, finally, became the underlying issues for overruling the preceding judgments.